Productive Online Board Meetings

The success of online board meetings depends on a variety of factors that include a well-planned agenda, clear communication protocols, and dependable technology. Boards that adopt best practices can still achieve high levels of efficiency despite these challenges.

Start your meeting with an open discussion. Inquiring questions that require participants to share their thoughts can be a great way to spark discussions. A survey or polling tool at the beginning of your meeting can help you identify areas for improvement.

Limit the time you spend on reports and other « must-do » items. The attendees will lose interest and focus if overwhelm them with tedious reporting. As a rule of thumb, you should not spend more than 25 percent of your meeting discussing these topics. This will enable more strategic discussions.

You want to ensure that everyone is happy at your meeting. Use the Boardable platform in order to promote participation and create a comfortable atmosphere for all participants. Encourage members of the board to keep meetings on time, to adhere to meeting etiquette and to maintain an excellent level of professionalism.

A successful online board meeting requires board members to have a clear understanding of how their role in the company impacts others. Boardable’s Task Manager and Minutes Maker make it easy for members to update their roles between meetings and keep informed of developments and issues. This encourages collaboration between the board members and facilitates a more effective, efficient online meeting.

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